28th edition of the Jean-Luc Lagardère foundation scholarship – call for applications

Applications are now open for the 28th edition of the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation scholarship. Ten scholarships, for a total amount of €255,000, will be awarded this year to young culture and media creators and professionals. Applicants must present an original and ambitious project, in French, in the fields of writing, audiovisual, music and digital media. The call is open to the following professionals: documentary filmmakers, animators,…
The deadline for submitting the forms is 10 June 2017
Applications are now open for the 28th edition of the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation scholarship. Ten scholarships, for a total amount of €255,000, will be awarded this year to young culture and media creators and professionals. Applicants must present an original and ambitious project, in French, in the fields of writing, audiovisual, music and digital media.
The call is open to the following professionals: documentary filmmakers, animators, digital creators, writers, journalists, booksellers, musicians (in the categories ‘current music’ and ‘jazz and classical music’), photographers, film producers and TV writers. Applicants must have had at least one prior successful professional experience in their chosen field in order to participate.
This scholarship gives creators and professionals under the age of 30 (or under 35 for the bookseller, photographer and TV scriptwriter scholarships) the opportunity not only to carry out a project with financial support, ranging from €10,000 to €50,000 according to the candidate’s chosen category, but also to be part of the network of 272 winners rewarded since 1990.
To apply for the 2017 scholarships, candidates must consult the application process for each sector, available on this link, and download the application forms, available on this link.
Forms can be sent to the following address:
Fondation Jean-Luc Lagardère
42, rue Washington
Immeuble Monceau
75408 Paris
To read the press release, click here, and for the more information please visit the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation’s website
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