Arts rights justice academy 2017 call for applications
Are you involved in the protection and defence of artists whose human rights may be violated?Do you work in the area of freedom of expression or legal defence and increasingly find yourself faced with cases involving artists? Do you work in the arts and find you are increasingly dealing with artists at risk from repression and violence? Are you a young professional looking to share expertise and gain knowledge in areas such as censorship in the arts or residencies for…
Are you involved in the protection and defence of artists whose human rights may be violated?
Do you work in the area of freedom of expression or legal defence and increasingly find yourself faced with cases involving artists? Do you work in the arts and find you are increasingly dealing with artists at risk from repression and violence? Are you a young professional looking to share expertise and gain knowledge in areas such as censorship in the arts or residencies for threatened artists?
August 24 – September 1, 2017
at the University of Hildesheim, Northern Germany
The UNESCO Chair ‘Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development’ invites experienced professionals from all world regions to apply for the ARTS RIGHTS JUSTICE ACADEMY 2017, a one-week advanced training course with a focus on knowledge-exchange, and on understanding, protecting and defending freedom of expression and artistic freedom in relation to human rights and social justice.
What is the ARJ PROGRAM?
The ARJ PROGRAM includes …
• An annual ARJ ACADEMY (August 24 – August 30, 2017)
• An annual ARJ CONFERENCE (August 30 – September 1, 2017)
It is important that artistic creation and the role of artists are considered in relation to human rights and freedom in society. To this end, the ARTS RIGHTS JUSTICE PROGRAM seeks to convey and professionalize skills, ensure the exchange of knowledge, make the most of multiplier effects and build expertise on the subject. Therefore, the aim is to strengthen and expand structures for the promotion and protection of artistic freedom.
The program was developed in cooperation with 30 international expert institutions and is initially intended to run from 2017 until 2019 with the support of the German Foreign Office and the International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN). It will encompass an annual ACADEMY accompanied by an international CONFERENCE at the University of Hildesheim, Germany; a series of ARJ LABORATORIES with partners in different world regions; and an open access online library.
What is the focus of the ARJ ACADEMY 2017?
The ARJ ACADEMY will be organized in a one-week training and discourse format. 30 – 40 participants will join international experts and lecturers. The ARJ ACADEMY will be a mixture of workshops, discussions, teamwork in groups, presentations, individual consultancy, and expert insights. All participants in the ARJ ACADEMY will be young professionals in cultural policy-related work, arts or cultural management practice, free expression, human rights work or related academic areas. There is a keen desire to bring together participants from a wide variety of world regions and to create a peer-to-peer learning ambiance based on dialogue and exchange. Parallel to group oriented formats, attention will be given to individual learning tasks of each participant. Participation in the ARJ ACADEMY enables attendees to apply to initiate regional ARJ LABORATORIES with the support of the ARJ PROGRAM.
The ARJ ACADEMY will be followed by the ARJ CONFERENCE. A separate call for participation regarding the ARJ CONFERENCE only will be sent shortly. For further information on the ARJ CONFERENCE visit the ARJ website.
• Fundamentals of freedom of expression within human rights
• Understanding freedom and threat: censorship and policy structures
• Advocacy & campaigning, funding & networking
• Cultural policy & arts management
• Working with artists: needs, protection, visas, relocation
• Funding & networking: building worldwide networks in relation to freedom of expression and artistic freedom
Find a detailed insight into the topics on the ARJ website.
The participation fee for the whole ARJ ACADEMY 2017 is €1250 (For further information see ‘What is included?’). Selected participants may apply for a reduction in the fee. In the application form you will find the option of applying for a reduction or full reimbursement.
What is included?
• One-week advanced training course relating to freedom of expression and artistic freedom
• The ARJ CONFERENCE (Aug 30 – Sep 1) is a key element of the ARJ ACADEMY
• Travel expenses are covered in the cheapest possible way
• Accommodation and meal costs are covered
• Certificate of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Hildesheim is awarded at the end of the training
Who is eligible?
• Young professionals working within artists at risk residencies, arts and cultural project managers, artists, lawyers, jurists or academics
• Working experience in a field related to human rights, cultural rights, cultural policy, freedom of expression and artistic freedom, artist mobility, arts or social development
• Good level of English
• Individuals of all nationalities
How to apply?
Participants will be selected on the basis of their motivation stated in the application form and according to a wide variety of expertise and perspectives within the group. Feedback to your application will be given by June 2017.
Please apply to the ARJ ACADEMY using the application form below by May 15, 2017.
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