Do you have a cultural project?
Do you need personalized support to refine it and make it viable?
Do you want to improve your skills in developing and managing a cultural project?
Are you looking to expand your network and discover other experiences?
Do you need a pleasant work space that provides you with documentary resources and a team of professionals to accompany you?
Is your project part of a public-oriented approach?
This call is for you!
Racines Carrées is an incubator dedicated to cultural structures in Morocco.
Racines Carrées offers, during 12 months, various services to its future incubates:
A personalized accompaniment of each project, with monthly work sessions
Six training sessions on the following themes: methodology of elaboration of a cultural project, management and budget, communication and relationship with the public, law of organizations, cultural projects and human rights
Artistic, administrative and technical mentoring by Moroccan and foreign cultural professionals
Immersion courses with international partners
Access to a rich documentary resource center
Racines Carrées also supports artistic and cultural activities of popular education, carried out by the incubates, targeted for the public at large, according to a defined schedule of conditions. A festival/market at the end of the incubation cycle will be organized in the presence of producers, investors, financial backers and potential partners, thus allowing the incubates to show their creations and make their projects known to the public and professionals. In addition, incubates who wish to do so can have access to a workspace, within the limits of available spaces, for 12 months, and after the end of their incubation period.
Phase 1: call for applications (see conditions below)
Phase 2: pre-selection of applications
Phase 3: pre-test period (3 months), including :
– a preliminary generic group training,
– personalized work sessions
– an evaluation by an entry committee composed of national and international experts for the final selection of projects
Phase 4: incubation period (9 months), including :
– 5 collective training sessions of 5 days each
– A personalized accompaniment of the projects
– A one-week immersion course
– Access to the documentation center
– The organization of popular education activities by the incubatees
Phase 5: evaluation of the projects by an exit committee and delivery of a training certificate
Phase 6: participation in the festival/market at the end of the incubation cycle
To be eligible for this call for applications, you must be the bearer of an artistic project, existing or in the process of being implemented.
Are eligible :
Structures (legally constituted or informal):
Cultural or artistic associations
Artistic companies (music, theater, dance, street arts, circus, etc.)
Companies (production, distribution, training, etc.)
The selection criteria of the projects will be essentially linked to :
– The nature of the projects and missions formulated by the candidates,
– Their objectives (projects aimed at a defined public, to participate in social change)
– The values promoted by the structures/individuals (cultural democracy, democratization of culture, development through arts and culture…).
Projects with a purely commercial dimension are not eligible.
Applications can be sent through the following form:
– Application form in French :
– Application form in English :
– Application form in Arabic :
Applications must be submitted by November 15, 2022 at midnight (Casablanca time).
Shortlisted candidates will be notified on December 2, 2022.
NB 1: Candidates selected for the pre-test phase and then for the incubation phase will have to sign a commitment contract, the terms of which will be discussed later, and respect the schedule of activities that will be established at each phase.
NB 2: The services offered by Square Roots are free of charge. The travel, food and accommodation expenses of the selected incubates coming from other cities will be taken in charge.
“Racines Carrées” is supported by Racines Aisbl and the DROSOS Foundation.