“BOZA!” selected for the Migration Matters Festival in Sheffield!

We are pleased to announce that our documentary “BOZA!” has been selected to be screened at the Migration Matters Festival in Sheffield, UK, on June 18, 2024, at Showroom Cinema. This opportunity will enable us to amplify public debate on the challenges of migration by highlighting the journeys of three individuals who have left their home countries in pursuit of a dignified life. Audiences will be invited to follow life’s journeys where resilience, hope and determination intersect with feelings of fear and rejection.

About BOZA!
Barnes, Joel and Abdou leave their respective countries, pursuing a dignified life.
On the road, they realize that their adventure to the European “Eldorado” was not so simple. Meanwhile, they find themselves facing unexpected events.

Fear, rejection, hope and resilience.. Multiple faces of the migratory adventure !

Trailer: https://vimeo.com/946667371

About Migration Matters Festival

Migration Matters Festival is a 9-day annual celebration of sanctuary, cultural identity and migration in Sheffield. It is the largest Refugee Week festival in hosting up to 60 events each year providing platforms to underrepresented communities particularly people with lived experience of displacement, seeking asylum and forced migration.

This film is directed and produced by Racines aisbl, as part of the MADAR project ‘Maghreb Action on Displacement and Rights’

Stay tuned for more details on events associated with “BOZA!”

MADAR 2024/06/10

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