Call for applications – Project Evaluation for Accountability Enhancement Project

Fostering democracy and upholding human rights, taking action to prevent the destruction of the global ecosystem, advancing equality between women and men, securing peace through con­flict prevention in crisis zones, and defending the freedom of individuals against excessive state and economic power – these are the objectives that drive the ideas and actions of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. We maintain close ties to the German Green Party (Alliance 90/The Greens) and as a think tank for green visions and projects, we are part of an international net­work encompassing well over 100 partner projects in approxi­mately 60 countries…

Fostering democracy and upholding human rights, taking action to prevent the destruction of the global ecosystem, advancing equality between women and men, securing peace through con­flict prevention in crisis zones, and defending the freedom of individuals against excessive state and economic power – these are the objectives that drive the ideas and actions of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. We maintain close ties to the German Green Party (Alliance 90/The Greens) and as a think tank for green visions and projects, we are part of an international net­work encompassing well over 100 partner projects in approxi­mately 60 countries.

The Heinrich Böll Foundation works independently and nurtures a spirit of intellectual openness. We maintain a world­ wide network with currently 30 international offices. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Afrique du Nord Rabat started to work in 2014. We co­operate closely with 16 state-level Böll Foundations in each of Germany’s federal states, and we support talented, socio-politi­cally engaged undergraduate and graduate students in Germany and abroad.

We gladly follow Heinrich Böll’s exhortation for citizens to get involved in politics, and we want to inspire others to do the same.

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Afrique du Nord Rabat (from here on: hbs Rabat) is currently looking for a consultant to undertake the following assignments.

End of Project Evaluation for Accountability Enhancement Project

Please refer to the detailed Terms of Reference for the description of each consultancy and the key selection criteria below

Completed application documents should be submitted by Wednesday 07th June 2017:

Adresse: 17, Rue Tiddas, Hassan, 10010 Rabat – Maroc

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: 00 212 (0) 537 20 20 93 / 94

Fax: 00 212 (0) 537 20 20 92

Hbs will inform the successful applicant before 01st of July 2017.




Published May 2017 by hbs Rabat

  1. Background

The accountability enhancement project “Li tgal yddar” (eng.: promised is promised) is being realized by hbs in collaboration with the Moroccan NGO Racines ( between 2015-2017. The project has been financed by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AA).

  1. Description of accountability enhancement project

The project’s general idea is to accompany elections at various scales (local, regional, and national), which will be held within the project period.

The project is based on the following problem analysis: Election periods as well as everyday encounters between deputies and citizens are marked by a shortage of trust between voters and their legal representatives. We have identified three major reasons leading to this deficient relationship.

  • First, voters as well as elects lack a profound understanding of the institutional framework which they are acting in. This also applies to civil society actors, yet it is especially true for women, who have, as newer studies on Morocco reveal and as was stated in the program application, a relatively lower knowledge on political actors, institutions, and processes (compared to male citizens). The unequal access to knowledge on politics along gender categories is reinforcing and reproducing existing power-relations, hierarchies, and patterns of domination.
  • Second, the spaces in which elects and voters interact, apart from everyday bureaucratic encounters, are rare. There is little exchange happening on each other’s perception about political duties, rights, and experiences. Again, the existing spaces are mostly male dominated and women face higher barriers expressing themselves freely than their male counterparts.
  • Third, the level of accountability is low. There is a lack of information on the everyday work of deputies, the way they manage tax money and public goods, and on how and why decisions are taken in a specific way. Linked to this, we have identified an insufficient knowledge about current legal instruments allowing citizens to call elects for account.  


Both the insufficient access to knowledge and the solely occasional exchanges between citizen and elects as well as the marginal level of reporting and accountability are leading to mutual mistrust, disappointment, and an (at least perceived) in-transparence of political processes. This in turn is leading to a general disenchantment with politics, which is mostly affecting young parts of the population.

Overall objective of the project:

The overall objective is to contribute to the establishment of a participatory democracy, mainly in two thematic fields:

  1. Accomplishing and demanding accountability and reporting,
  2. and, linked to this, the management of tax money.

The aim is to promote dialogue and strengthen trust between elects and citizens and to increase motivation, especially for young people, to participate in political processes. In addition, a space to exchange ideas between political actors and the civil society shall be created.

Key result areas (Outcomes):

·         Strengthened capacities of the civil society in the six project-regions to hold the elected representatives accountable;

·         Secured broad, inclusive and innovative media coverage of the multiple elections hold between 2015-2017;

·         Raised citizens’ awareness of their rights and obligations in the context of the 2015 and 2016 elections in Morocco;

·         Strengthened parity of women and men in civil society and political structures.


Specific objectives:


·         Raised awareness among women, young people and minorities regarding their rights and possibilities of participation in the debates and elections; An increase in the accountability of elected actors towards citizens, as well as a strong ability by the citizen and civil societies to address and demand accountability;

·         Strengthened dialogue between citizens, in particular on the use of public funds;

·         Established network of young people, in particular, who have a profound knowledge of the Moroccan political system and who are thoroughly familiar with the mechanisms to ask accountability of their representatives;

·         A strengthened discussion on the reasons for electoral and political disillusion, especially among young people in social media, and the Internet forum, thereby addressing identified problems and transforming them into own political actions.



·         Indicator 1: The number of discussion-contributions and active participation in the interactive Internet forum (changed later to: and social networks;

·         Indicator 2: Use of at least 3 of the 6 produced educational materials in X workshops / training courses / education by state and non-state educational institutions;

·         Indicator 3: the total number of young people and women who have participated in trainings and workshops and have been successfully trained; At X persons are between 18-35 years, and at least 30% women

·         Indicator 4: Qualitative measurement of the impact of the workshops and trainings on the basis of a content survey of the participants after their participation in the activities X, Y and Z.

The absolute numbers have been defined for every project-year in cooperation with the project-partner.

  1. Consultancy Objectives

The main purpose of the end of project evaluation is to examine project impact, by examining level of achievement of project goal and outcomes, to establish project relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, and document lessons learned.

 Specific objectives of the Evaluation:

  1. Examine the progress towards achievement of project objectives (Goal and Outcomes);
  2. Assess project effectiveness and efficiency;
  3. Assess the relevance and appropriateness of project design/strategies;
  4. Assess sustainability of project results and outcomes;
  5. Document lessons learned (what worked? what didn’t?) from the entire project cycle.
  1. Scope of Services

The consultant shall ensure the completion of the following activities in accordance with the terms and conditions of the consultancy contract:

The consultant will constitute and coordinate hbs-team members to conduct the evaluation and conclude it to the required standard. The consultant will be expected to: coordinate field level data gathering, processing and writing of the evaluation report and the day-to-day management of evaluation activities.

Expected deliverables (in English):

  • An inception report to demonstrate the consultants independent interpretation of the TOR;
  • Data collection tools that will be used to capture both quantitative and qualitative data;
  • A work-plan (with time-lines) highlighting what and when to document;
  • Draft report that will be shared with hbs-Rabat and Racines for input/feedback;
  • A validation meeting;
  • Final report with relevant information approved by hbs in hard copies and electronic copies.

The draft and final report must be properly formatted and edited A4 size.  It should not be more than 25 pages 1.5 Ms Word spaced font size 12 Times New Roman. The report will be presented in the format outlined with all due tables, graphs and accompanying photographs and/or notes.


The structure of the evaluation report will include:

  • Cover Page.
  • Table of Contents.
  • Acknowledgement.
  • Affirmation.
  • Executive Summary.
  • List of Acronyms and Abbreviations.
  • Introduction / Background.
  • Description of the Methodology of the evaluation.
  • Limitations.
  • Findings (The findings will be organised and aligned to the purpose, objectives of evaluation including the following;
  1. Progress /achievement of goal and outcome indicators
  2. Project  effectiveness/ efficiency
  3. Relevance
  4. Project sustainability
  5. Community ownership/participation
  6. Conclusions and recommendations.
  7. Lessons learned from the evaluation process.
  8. Appendices.
  9. Analyzed data and list of stakeholders and partners, persons who were consulted.

Schedule of Key Deliverables:


Due Date

Evaluation inception report

1st Week of September 2017

Draft  Project evaluation report

3rd Week  of September 2017

Review  and validation of  draft evaluation report

4th  Week of  September 2017

Final evaluation report produced

1st Week of October 2017

Final  evaluation  report  approved by hbs

2ndWeek of October 2017

  1. Methodology

Hbs expects that the methodology that will be adopted for the evaluation shall generate both quantitative and qualitative information. The specific methods that will be employed shall be participatory to enable a cross section of stakeholders as well the project-partner Racines to undertake an active role in the evaluation process. Quantitatively, it shall include well developed questionnaires with proper random selection of participants where appropriate. Qualitatively, it should mainly comprise field consultations with the different stakeholders (project partners, participants from civil society, elected representatives). Furthermore, a rigorous reading and analysis of the materials produced in the context of the project is expected (booklet of citizenship, manual for political pleading, handbook of accountability, three comics and three cartoons). The consultant will be responsible for further development of the methodology and the evaluation tools demonstrating how data for each evaluation objective will be captured.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities

 a)  The Consultant

  • In collaboration with the hbs-Rabat team, the consultant will develop an inception report with a clear methodological approach and a work plan that will be approved by hbs;
  • Conduct evaluation – data collection on all Outcome and Output indicators highlighted in the ToR and additional documents (especially every year project-reports) in line with approved methodology;
  • Regularly brief hbs;
  • Produce draft report, receive and incorporate comments from hbs and Racines;
  • Conduct debrief/validation meeting with relevant stakeholders;
  • Produce final report to be approved by hbs;
  • Manage the transport during the consultancy.

 b)   Hbs Rabat:

  • Support the schedule and management of appointments for the survey;
  • Provide resources for the assignment;
  • Hbs will ensure that key staff are available for interviews;
  • Provide project documents;
  • Hbs will provide feedback on the draft report prior to the completion of the report.

Lines of Communication

The consultant will report directly to the hbs project-manager for administrative issues and other issues arising while in the field. The regularity of reporting will be agreed upon.

  1. Skills and competencies of the consultant or consulting team
  • Excellent knowledge in accountability: electoral politics, legislative analysis, governance issues and advocacy;
  • Proven experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative evaluations;
  • Proven report writing skills;
  • Knowledge of politics in the Maghreb-region;
  • Proven evidence of good analytical skills.

Other attributes:

The consulting firm or consultant(s) will be selected on the basis of their proven experience, qualifications and ability to deliver a quality product in a timely and efficient manner. Particular qualifications and experience include:

  • Masters degree in Education, Social Sciences (political sciences), Law or related field and at least 5 years of relevant experience;
  • Excellent communication skills, especially ability to write clearly in English;
  • Darisha (Moroccan dialect) skills are mandatory, French and German are a plus;
  • Experience with working in complex, political areas with multiple stakeholders;
  • Flexibility in the field.
  1. Application process:

Interested candidates will be expected to provide the following documentation:

  • Detailed response to TOR, with specific focus addressing the purpose and objectives of the assignment, methodology to be used and key selection criteria;
  • Initial work-plan based on methodology outlined;
  • CV including a minimum of 3 references.
News from elsewhere 2017/05/19

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