Call for editor & writers: Report on women’s right to artistic freedom

Freemuse is seeking an experienced editor and 3-4 writers for the production of a report on women’s right to artistic freedom of expression. Gender discrimination places women artists and audiences as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and gender non-conforming individuals at risk of violations of their right to artistic freedom. As part of Freemuse’s efforts to improve gender equality and women’s right to artistic freedom of expression, the organization plans to publish a substantial global report on the issue with strong and actionable recommendations to governments, international…
Freemuse is seeking an experienced editor and 3-4 writers for the production of a report on women’s right to artistic freedom of expression.
Gender discrimination places women artists and audiences as well as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people and gender non-conforming individuals at risk of violations of their right to artistic freedom.
As part of Freemuse’s efforts to improve gender equality and women’s right to artistic freedom of expression, the organization plans to publish a substantial global report on the issue with strong and actionable recommendations to governments, international institutions and civil society, including the artistic community.
When women artists are targeted it is often specifically related to their gender. In several countries, women artists are prohibited from performing solo or for mixed audiences. Iran and Saudi Arabia are leading the league of religiously motivated states that ban and censor women artists from performing in public space. But laws, policies or institutional practices that are discriminatory or have discriminatory effects on women artists are found in societies around the world in violation of the ICCPR, ICESCR, CEDAW and other conventions binding on the State. Such violations have devastating effects on the diversity of cultural expressions.
The report will focus on the most pressing issues currently limiting women’s artistic expressions. The ambition is global, but an important part of the editor’s role is to help Freemuse select priority issues and potentially countries where increased research, understanding and subsequent advocacy can lead to substantial improvements in artistic freedom and gender equality.
The report language, as well as Freemuse’s working language, is English.
The editor and writers are expected to work remotely. Interested editors and writers are encouraged to apply from anywhere in the world. Project coordination will be handled via email, video calls and secure communication when necessary. Freemuse headquarters is based in Copenhagen.
Skills and experience (editor)
- Excellent editing and project management skills.
- Experience working in the field of artistic freedom or freedom of expression
- Understanding of women’s rights and gender equality issues at the global level.
- Proven experience writing and editing advocacy-driven human rights reports.
- Understanding of how to protect sources, including handling secure digital communication.
- Proficiency in English, including British English copy editing skills.
- Open to different opinions and ability to incorporate alternative suggestions in editing process.
- Additional language skills is an advantage.
- Strong network of contacts among artists and potential writers around the world is a plus. Skills and experience (writers)
- Excellent reporting and writing skills.
- Experience working in the field of artistic freedom or freedom of expression.
- Understanding of women’s rights and gender equality issues at regional or global level.
- Experience writing journalistic and/or advocacy-driven human rights reports.
- Understanding of how to protect sources, including handling secure digital communication.
- Proficiency in English.
- Open to different opinions and ability to incorporate alternative suggestions in writing process.
- Additional language skills is an advantage.
- Strong network of contacts among artists and other writers around the world is a plus.
Deliverables (editor)
- Define the scope, priority issues and key countries for the report in collaboration with Freemuse.
- Design report production plan.
- Potentially assist Freemuse to identify and commission writers to contribute to specific elements of the report. Function as editor and primary contact for contributing writers.
- Potentially research and write own elements to the report.
- Deliver edited first draft to Freemuse for review.
- Lead rewriting and editing phase.
- Oversee creation of visual elements (e.g. photos, data visualization).
- Oversee layout and printing.
- Develop advocacy strategy and launch plan in cooperation with Freemuse and potential partner.
- Potentially speak publically on behalf of Freemuse about the report’s findings and recommendations (separate agreement).
Deliverables (writers)
- Research, report and write one or more chapters for the report.
- Potential regional travel in connection with reporting.
- Work with editor through rewriting and editing phase.
Timeline and compensation
- The project start, identification of additional writers and initial reporting is expected to begin in 2017.
- The report is expected to be finalized in April 2018.
- Details are to be worked out between the editor, writers and Freemuse.
- Freemuse consultant fees follow Danish trade union recommendations.
How to apply
To apply please send a resume, a one-page proposal and an example of previous writing or editing to [email protected] by 28 August 2017.
Editors’ one-page proposal should include their vision for the report and a suggestion of how to structure it.
Writers’ one-page proposal should include their vision for one or more thematic or regional-focused chapters.
Freemuse is an equal opportunity employer that, in order to build the strongest possible team, actively seeks a diverse applicant pool.
Application deadline: 28 August 2017 at midnight CET.
Only shortlisted proposals will be contacted. Short interviews are planned to take place in September via video call.
Background information
- Art Under Threat in 2016; Censoring Women Artists:
- Art Under Threat in 2016; LGBT Artists and Artworks Controversial Globally:
- Freemuse campaign; Let Women Sing: Learn more about Freemuse at and
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