My Sweet School” documentary, screened in Tamkine Academy

My Sweet School“, the 52’ documentary directed by Rajae Hammadi and Zakaria Rochdi and produced by Racines has been screened in the public space of  the commune of Tatoft on Auguste 28nd 2018.


My Sweet School“, the 52’ documentary directed by Rajae Hammadi and Zakaria Rochdi and produced by Racines has been screened in the public space of  the commune of Tatoft on Auguste 28nd 2018.

Tamkine Academy – Summer Academy for Youth Organizations is a civil space for knowledge and collection that introduces young people and their civil organizations, through its rich program, to tools and mechanisms that contribute to the building of foundations  of youth organizations and their development.

Tamkine Academy (August 26 to September 5, 2018) is the initiative of the “Al Mawahib Association for Social Education”, the “Mountada Maroc Multiple” and the Association of Youth for Youth through the partnership with the American University of Science. This event was attended by over 100 participants in all regions of Morocco.


Racines News SpeakArt 2018/10/01

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