Participation of Racines to conferences and meetings, in Morocco and internationally

Aadel Essaadani, general coordinator of Racines, participated to the international conference organized by CIMAC, under the theme “Connecting Creative Ecosystems the 7 and 8 June 2017, in Evora, Portugal. The conference aimed to reflect on the very notion of a creative ecosystem; on the new functions and nature of the “cultural object” and creative processes in the age of digital technology and globalization…

  • Aadel Essaadani, general coordinator of Racines, participated to the international conference organized by CIMAC, under the theme “Connecting Creative Ecosystems the 7 and 8 June 2017, in Evora, Portugal. The conference aimed to reflect on the very notion of a creative ecosystem; on the new functions and nature of the “cultural object” and creative processes in the age of digital technology and globalization


  • Racines attended the first civil society forum within the framework of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions, held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, in 12 June 2017. This forum seeks to debate on the role of the international NGOs in the implementation of the Convention and the evaluation of the States Parties’ actions. Racines also presented, during the 6th Conference of the Parties, the result of its survey on Moroccan’s cultural practices, co-funded by the International Fund for Cultural Diversity. | Useful link: Cultural prospectives: challenges of the digital era & a stronger civil society


  • A group of researchers – Dr Laura Jeffery, Dr Mariangela Palladino, Dr Sébastien Bachelet and Mairi O’Gorman – from the Universities of Edinburgh and Keele, organized a meeting in Glasgow, from 20 to 22 June 2017, entitled : “Arts for advocacy: creative engagement with forced displacement in Morocco and the UK”, gathering academics and civil society organisations from Morocco and the UK. The project includes Moroccan partners : GADEM, ALECMA and DABATEATR and the UK-based refugee, asylum and migration network GRAMNet. Dounia Benslimane, partnership and development director of Racines, shared the experience of Mix City project, held by the organisation in 2015 in partnership with The Minority Globe and Theatre of the Oppressed of Casablanca. 
Racines News 2017/07/10

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