Racines selected to receive a financial support from the UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity !
Racines has submitted its project “Developing an efficient policy for the promotion of cultural industries in Morocco” to the UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity in 2014, in line with the first edition of “Les Etats Généraux de la Culture au Maroc”. This 20 months project aims to : 1- Update and development of the online mapping www.artmap.ma 2- Investigate the cultural practices of Moroccans 3- Follow-up with the recommendations issued from les “Etats Généraux de la Culture” held in November 2014 4- Organize the second edition of les “Etats Généraux de la Culture au Maroc”, for a monitoring and evaluation purpose, after 2 years of work and research. Six other projects have been chosen and will receive the support of the IFCD: – “Empowering African youth to harness the potential of the music sector”, International Music Council (joint proposal Cameroon, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, United Republic of Tanzania) – “Building a sustainable performing arts industry in Cambodia”, Phare Ponleu Selpak (Cambodia) – “Strengthening local and regional institutional capacities to develop cultural industries policies in Serbia”, Creative Economy Group (Serbia) – “Emerging Youth: Strengthening sub-regional cooperation and promoting young talents in the African music sector”, Réseau culturel et artistique pour la formation et la Francophonie – RECAF (Chad) – “Promoting young people’s participation in the book and music industries in Mexico”, Germinalia A.C (Mexico) – “Fostering an active participation of vulnerable groups in the creative sector in Uruguay”, National Directorate of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture (Uruguay) Congratulations to all and good luck ! More infos: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/seven_projects_in_the_creative_sector_receive_financial_support/back/9597/#.VJrctACA
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