SouthMed CV’s meeting in Tunisia

The European program SouthMed CV held a meeting on capacity building and mobility for the 20 projects selected for its second call. It took place in Tunisia at BAC Art Center between 28 March and 1 April 2017.More than forty people participated in the meeting to present their project to the various participants in the MENA region. Méhdi Azdem, General Manager of Racines, was part of this meeting to present (MARSAD) project (Mediterranean Action and Research for Sustainability…

The European program SouthMed CV held a meeting on capacity building and mobility for the 20 projects selected for its second call. It took place in Tunisia at BAC Art Center between 28 March and 1 April 2017.


More than forty people participated in the meeting to present their project to the various participants in the MENA region. Méhdi Azdem, General Manager of Racines, was part of this meeting to present (MARSAD) project (Mediterranean Action and Research for Sustainability and Development), which aims to create a collective platform for research, implementation and monitoring of cultural policies in the MENA region, with its partners Me’zaf (Lebanon), El Madina for Performing and Digital Arts (Egypt) and Notre Culture D’Abord (Tunisia).


This week of work was also a moment of exchange, sharing and networking with the different project managers from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine. And also with the consortium of the Southmed CV Interarts, BAC Art Center, Gudran for Art and Development, Khayal Arts & Education, National Center for Culture and Arts and German Commission for UNESCO.

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