Témoigner pour agir : Open call for testimonies of migrants in North Africa

The only effective way to advocate is to start from what you have experienced, to talk about yourself” (Franck Lepage) – and to share it with humanity.

Are you a migrant in Morocco, Tunisia or Algeria?

Do you want to share a story, an anecdote or an impression about your journey?

“Témoigner pour agir ” is the right place to do it.

“Témoigner pour agir” is a collection of authentic testimonials through which different voices are heard. Your testimonies will help us:
– Connect people to the human stories of migration;
– Understand what words like “integration”, “protection” and “welcome” really mean;
– Raise awareness of pressing issues related to migration and forced displacement while seeking to inform and shape policy at the national and international levels.

You can share your testimonies, in the form of your choice (video, audio, text, image, illustration, photo, etc.) via this group: www.facebook.com/groups/temoigner.agir;
or by sending an e-mail to: [email protected].

Your testimonials will be published on MADAR’s website (www.madar-network.org) and on its social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, SoundCloud, etc.).

“Témoigner pour agir” is a campaign designed by Racines aisbl, as part of the MADAR (Maghreb Action for Displacement and Rights) Network Plus project, which aims to improve the humanitarian protection of vulnerable displaced people in North Africa.