WAVE: Women Against a Violent Environment
WAVE (Women Against a Violent Environment) is a project initiated by Racines aisbl.
WAVE aims to raise awareness about gender-based violence in Morocco through art, culture and popular culture, as well as research-action. WAVE uses art, culture and research as tools to raise awareness about gender-based violence in Morocco, in order to reach decision-makers, civil society organizations, artists and the public at large.
The project brings together three partners from Morocco (Racines aisbl), Egypt (ElMadina Arts) and the United Kingdom (Keele University), to produce:
An artistic residency gathering actors and directors from Morocco and Egypt, in order to raise awareness about the issue and create a forum play about GBV;
A forum play that will be performed in four cities in Morocco (Tiznit, Rabat, Al Hoceima and Casablanca);
A thematic workshop on awareness raising and advocacy techniques for structures and individuals working on GBV-related issues in Morocco: artists, cultural organizations and women’s rights defenders;
An academic research on forum theater in Morocco and its impact on social and political change in Morocco;
A documentary on the creation of a forum theater play as an advocacy and awareness-raising tool on issues related to GBV.
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