The cartography is an inventory listing the structures, infrastructures, artists, operators, professionals of the artistic and cultural field in Morocco and the diaspora.
This database has the following objectives:
– To have a regularly updated inventory, as a tool for cultural planning of the territory, accessible to decision-makers, for the elaboration of cultural policies of proximity.
– To network the actors operating in the artistic and cultural field, allowing the development of local, regional and international cooperation projects.
– To have at one’s disposal a statistical tool allowing the implementation and/or the evaluation of cultural policies.
– To support the professionalization of the artistic and cultural sector. is a database gathering professionals of 18 artistic disciplines in the 12 regions of Morocco, plus the diaspora. It allows you to search by :
Type of structure :
– Association (cultural, artistic, company, group, troupe)
– Grouping (artists’ collectives, citizen initiatives)
– Private company (s.a.r.l, s.a….etc)
– Public structure (institutional, governmental, ministerial…etc)
– Union (artists, professionals of culture and arts)
– Individuals (artists, cultural and arts professionals)
– Other
Places :
– Creation places (production places, workshops, studios…etc)
– Places of diffusion (exhibition places, theaters, cinema…etc)
– Training places (universities, art schools, cultural training institutes…etc)
To consult the mapping:
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