Racines Carrées
In the current context where the artistic and cultural offer is neither sufficiently developed nor accessible to all, the need for professional and efficient cultural actors and structures is crucial. To overcome these shortcomings and encourage the emergence and strengthening of actors on the artistic and cultural scene, Racines Carrées is an incubator of cultural structures (associations, artistic companies, cultural enterprises, self-entrepreneurs, collectives, individuals, etc.) in Morocco for the enrichment of the cultural offer and for its accessibility by all audiences.
The objectives of Racines Carrées are :
– The professionalization and empowerment of cultural operators and entrepreneurs in Morocco, existing or in the making.
– The reinforcement of the cultural offer in Morocco and the beginning of a form of economic development through culture.
– The support and accompaniment of structures and cultural actors in the construction and/or implementation of their projects.
– The constitution of a national and international network of multidisciplinary cultural actors in order to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experiences
– The reinforcement of the capacities of the operators in order to allow them to perpetuate their structures and projects.
– Facilitating the access of incubated structures to national and international arts and culture markets.
– Promoting access to culture and the arts for all audiences through multidisciplinary popular education workshops.
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