The Maghreb Action on Displacement and Rights (MADAR مدار Arabic for ‘path’) is a network which aims to directly impact the lives of people affected by displacement in the Maghreb region. The network is funded by the UKRI AHRC Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) Collective Programme (Network Plus). MADAR will facilitate research collaborations and commission research projects drawing on the regional expertise of UK and Maghreb-based scholars; supporting artistic and creative engagements will be at the heart of our approach to tackle the social and political challenges associated with migration and displacement.
MADAR is a collaborative network led by Keele University in partnership with CREAD (Algeria), Notre Culture D’Abord (Tunisie), Racines Aisbl (Morocco), AMI (Morocco), the IRMC (Tunisie) the University of Edinburgh (UK) and the University of Manchester.
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