Site-in | website for citizen expression

Site-in is a space for citizen expression and an agora where different voices can be heard. The website is independent and doesn’t use advertisement. It is not representing any movement nor it is affiliated to any political movement. Site-in gathers authentic speeches that are often unheard, and shares them while inviting the citizens to share their ideas and experiences. Our mission is being a sounding board for many reflections, visions and opinions that are not (or not enough) represented.
Site-in is a space for citizen expression and an agora where different voices can be heard. The website is independent and doesn’t use advertisement. It is not representing any movement nor it is affiliated to any political movement. Site-in gathers authentic speeches that are often unheard, and shares them while inviting the citizens to share their ideas and experiences. Our mission is being a sounding board for many reflections, visions and opinions that are not (or not enough) represented.
Site-in offers other ways of seeing society, alternatives to a unique thought. It is a space and a breeding ground for new ideas, that are reasoned, surpassing the level of being a simple comment on social media, thus bringing an added value to the public debate that is necessary to construct a participatory democracy. Citizen expression is part of the Constitution that guarantees to everyone to participate to this debate. It must be used since there is a need more than ever for speech, and Site-in is its vector.
The plate-form is open to a maximum of contributors : managers, workers, unemployed people, intellectuals, students, activists, decision-makers, …
Site-in is produced within the framework of the project Taqafa Mouwatina. Initiated by Racines and co-financed by the European Union, this project aims the emanciation of citizens and the freedom of speech, through the promotion of civic education.
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