Study: Moroccan migration policy ‘between European pressures and Moroccan blackmail’

The study presents an assessment of the National Immigration and Asylum Strategy (NISA) in Morocco, providing a migration profile in the country, including key indicators related to the presence of migrants. The study also provides an assessment of the implementation of the SNIA, highlighting its promises and limitations.

Finally, it makes a series of recommendations for the various stakeholders involved in this issue: Moroccan and European authorities, Moroccan civil society, international organizations, researchers, and the media. 

Author: Salaheddine Lemaizi

This study was carried out as part of the MADAR project  ‘Maghreb Action on Displacement and Rights’

MADAR project  ‘Maghreb Action on Displacement and Rights’ aims to improve the humanitarian protection of vulnerable displaced people in the context of conflict in the central Maghreb region, in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. MADAR aims to facilitate research collaborations and support projects that draw on the regional expertise of British and Maghreban researchers working in the arts, humanities, and social and political sciences.


Racines News MADAR 2023/01/03

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